The informatica feminale BW is a projekt of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Wurttemberg.
meccanica feminale – Winter School & Networking
meccanica feminale 2025 | 02/18 to 02/22/2025 | University of Stuttgart | Special topic "Digital transformation"
BOOKING a course
… is as simple as clicking here. At the Opening Ceremony, the Panel Discussion on Thursday and at the pub crawl you can participate without prior registration. Field trips on Thursday and events in the Social programme könnt ihr nur buchen, wenn ihr einen Halbwochen- oder Tageskurs gebucht habt.
Furtwangen University has been recognised as an educational institution for measures under the Bildungszeitgesetz (BzG BW) since October 2015. The courses of meccanica feminale and informatica feminale BW are organised by the project "Netzwerk Frauen.Innovation.Technik" (Network Women.Innovation.Technology) regardless of the venue at Furtwangen University and are recognised by the Faculty of Mechanical & Medical Engineering as elective courses.
Therefore, the courses of meccanica and informatica feminale can partly be applied for as education time, this depends on further requirements, see BzG BW.
Other regulations may apply for other federal states. Contact us by email and we will be happy to help you.
...during the event you can use the mecccanica-Cafeteria and stock up on free drinks, fruit and snacks. And even more importantly: this is the right place to network during the breaks.
Pfaffenwaldring 29, Erdgeschoss
...will be open on Tuesday, 27.02.2024 from 8.30 am. You will find it at Pfaffenwaldring 29, ground floor. All information will be available there. On the other days, check-in is at the organisation office.
If you want your participation to be recognised as a course credit, you must clarify this in advance with your own course director. In courses in which grading is possible and desired by you, you must discuss this with the lecturer at the beginning of the course.
… während der Veranstaltung ist auf Anfrage möglich, Anmeldung spätestens vier Wochen vor Veranstaltungsbeginn per Email with age information of the child(ren). The costs are 15 € per day and child.
EVENTS for the public
At the following events, not only participants but all (!) interested people are welcome. Participation is free of charge and does not require registration:
- Opening Ceremony (27 February 2024, 11:45 am)
- Panel Discussion on Thursday (29 February 2024, from 11:00 am)
- Exhibition "Patente Frauen"“ (at any time, Foyer Pfaffenwaldring 29)
ONLINE courses
Wir freuen uns riesig, euch bei der meccanica feminale 2024 endlich wieder vor Ort treffen zu können. Deswegen gibt es nur drei Online-Kurse (MF24-H03, MF24-H05 and MF24-H27). Das echte meccanica feminale-Erlebnis gibt es aber nur vor Ort. Also kommt vorbei, genießt Verpflegung und Rahmenprogramm, lernt andere Frauen kennen und netzwerkt, was das Zeug hält. Wir stellen euch auch gerne einen Raum zur Verfügung, in dem ihr eurem Kurs folgen könnt. Meldet euch dafür bitte bei uns per Email.
.... is located at Pfaffenwaldring 29, ground floor. Here you can get help with any kind of problem.
Unfortunately, we have not been spared from the recent price increases and have had to adjust our course fees accordingly.
So take advantage of the Early Bird until 22 December!
For students and non-employed persons
Early Bird until 22.12. | regular | |
Half-week course | 40,00 € | 50,00 € |
Day course | 20,00 € | 25,00 € |
Universities and colleges often provide financial support for attending training events. Ask your equal opportunities officer!
Are you unemployed? Then ask your local employment agency to cover the costs; participation may be funded as further vocational training.
Employed persons*
Early Bird until 22.12. | regular | |
Half-week course | 270,00 € | 300,00 € |
Day course | 135,00 € | 150,00 € |
Free events during the event
The following events are free of charge, but you can only register if you have booked a half-week or day course.
- Field trips on Thursday
- Social programme in the evening
You are welcome to come to the following programme items without registering:
- Opening Ceremony of #mfbw24 with keynote speech (open to anyone interested!)
- Panel discussion on Thursday "Career in STEM - I do it my way! (open to anyone interested!)
- pub crawl
- Guided tour “Patente Frauen”
- Closing session
Dozentinnen und Referentinnen bekommen die notwendigen Informationen vorab direkt von uns.
...must be booked on your own responsibility. Booking and payment will be on your account.
We have set up an online black board for you. There you can offer overnight accommodation, look for a lift or get together for a small holiday flat. We accept no liability whatsoever!
More information about the black board (only for logged in users):
Support in finding accommodation is available here:
Email: info (at)
Phone: +49 711 22 28-0
...with daily updated information, programme changes etc. will be published at the beginning of the event.
The meccanica feminale returns to the Campus Vaihingen of the University of Stuttgart in 2024:
University of Stuttgart
Campus Vaihingen
Pfaffenwaldring 29 (check-in, Orga-office and meccanica feminale cafeteria)
70569 Stuttgart
You will find the details of the respective event rooms in good time in the event app.
Journey to us
You can find general information on how to get here on the website of the University of Stuttgart:
Please note the diesel traffic ban in Stuttgart! You will find parking spaces along the Pfaffenwaldring.
Fahrplanauskunft bei
Bicycle & e-scooter
Others: Rent a bike from or an e-scooter from one of the numerous providers.
We are happy to help participants with physical disabilities, please contact us!
...must of course not be neglected! That's why you can visit the "mecccanica cafeteria" at any time during the event, where you can stock up on drinks, fruit and snacks free of charge.
Contact Persons
Carolin Hilzendegen
Tel. +49 7720 / 307 – 4536
Andrea Pflug
Tel. +49 7720 / 307 – 4363