Portal for Women in Science and Technology
in Baden-Wurttemberg

Travelling Exhibition "Women Inventors"

14 roll-ups (twelve exhibits and two with background information) on the topic of women, innovation and technology – For:

"Those who do not invent disappear"

- was once said by Erich Otto Häußer (1930-99), a German jurist who was President of the German Patent Office from 1976 to 1995.

We see our exhibition as a tribute to those women whose inventive spirit is particularly remarkable and whose inventions are still relevant today .

New: The exhibition is now also available in an English version, which was realised within the framework of the EU project GEDII .

You are interested and would like to rent / borrow the exhibition?

We will be happy to advise you on planning and, if you wish, we can also be your contact on site.

Impressions of the Exhibition with a Guided Tour

The exhibition is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Wurttemberg.