Portal for Women in Science and Technology
in Baden-Wurttemberg

Your contacts

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Busolt

Project lead

Physicist and Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical and Medical Engineering (MME) at Furtwangen University, Gender research at IAF 


Tel.: +49 (0)7720 307-4248

Dipl.-Soz. Carolin Hilzendegen

Deputy project management, event management meccanica & informatica feminale BW, evaluations, web editor scientifica.de


Tel.: +49 (0)7720 307-4536

Telefonische Erreichbarkeit: Mo – Do vormittags

Heidi Schwager, B.Sc.

Event management meccanica feminale, webportal, exhibition "Patene Frauen"


Tel.: +49 (0)7720 307-4365

Working hours: Mon - Fri until noon

Andrea Pflug

Web editor scientifica.de, social media, administration and event management


Tel.: +49 (0)7720 307-4363

Working hours: Mon - Fri until noon