Portal for Women in Science and Technology
in Baden-Wurttemberg

informatica feminale BW – Summer School & Networking

ifbw24 | 30.07. – 03.08.2024 |University Freiburg

It was great, we're already looking forward to the next one in 2025!

RÜCKBLICK zur ifbw24

SAVE THE DATE! | ifbw25 | 29.07.-02.08.2025 | Furtwangen University


...you can find here.

BOOKING a course

... is easy to do in the course overview and registration for half-week and day courses. There is a part of the framework programme with registration. Here you can book for free if you book a paid half-week or day course. The other part is the supporting programme without registration. You can also take part in this free of charge.


informatica feminale BW will once again take place at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Freiburg in 2024:

Technische Fakultät
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Georges-Köhler-Allee 101
79110 Freiburg

You will find the details of the respective event rooms in good time in the event app.

Journey to us

Information on how to get there can be found on the University of Freiburg website: https://www.tf.uni-freiburg.de/de/kontakt

We are happy to help participants with physical disabilities, please contact us!


Furtwangen University has been recognised as an educational institution for measures under the Bildungszeitgesetz (BzG BW) since October 2015. The courses of meccanica feminale and informatica feminale BW are organised by the project "Netzwerk Frauen.Innovation.Technik" (Network Women.Innovation.Technology) regardless of the venue at Furtwangen University and are recognised by the Faculty of Mechanical & Medical Engineering as elective courses.

Therefore, the courses of meccanica and informatica feminale can partly be applied for as education time, this depends on further requirements, see BzG BW.

Other regulations may apply for other federal states. Contact us by email and we will be happy to help you.


...as a participant or lecturer, you can visit the informatica-feminale cafeteria at any time during the event and stock up on free drinks, fruit and snacks. And more importantly, it's the perfect place to network during the breaks.


...is open on Tuesday, 30.07.2024 from 8:30 (room follows). All information is available there. On the other days, check-in takes place at the organisation office (room follows).

Technische Fakultät
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Georges-Köhler-Allee 101
79110 Freiburg


If your participation is to be recognised as academic credit, you must clarify this in advance with the head of your degree programme. In courses where grading is possible and desired by you, you must discuss this with the lecturer at the start of the course.


Childcare during the event is available on request. Please register at least four weeks before the event by sending an email to informatica(at)hs-furtwangen.de and stating the age of the child/children. The cost is 15 € per day per child.

EVENTS for the public

At the opening ceremony on 30 July at 11:45 h (room follows) not only participants but all (!) interested parties are welcome. Participation is free of charge and possible without registration.

ONLINE courses

We look forward to meeting you on site at informatica feminale BW 2024! Therefore there are only two online courses: (IF24-H04 Algorithmen, and IF24-H27 Netzwerk-Security). But the real informatica feminale BW experience is only available on site. So come along, enjoy the catering and supporting programme, get to know other women and network for all you're worth. We will also be happy to provide you with a room where you can follow your course. Please get in touch with us for this: informatica(at)hfu.eu


... you will find here (room follows). Feel free to come to us with your questions, we will help you with problems of any kind.


Take advantage of the reduced Early Bird prices until 15 May!

For students and non-employed persons

Early Bird until 15.06.regular
Half-week course40,00 €50,00 €
Day course20,00 €25,00 €
* The reduced price applies to pupils, students, unemployed women, as well as employees of Furtwangen University, Freiburg University and Stuttgart University.

Universities and colleges often provide financial support for attending training events. Ask your equal opportunities officer!

Are you unemployed? Then ask your local employment agency to cover the costs; participation may be funded as further vocational training.

Employed persons

Early Bird until 15.06.regular
Half-week course270,00 €300,00 €
Day course135,00 €150,00 €
* Part-time employees up to 50% part-time receive a 50% reduction on the price for employed persons.

Free social programme

The supporting programme can be attended free of charge. However, you can only register for part of the supporting programme if you have booked a half-week or day course, see below at the Course overviewYou are welcome to come to the following programme items without registering: Social programme without registration.


Lecturers and speakers will receive the necessary information from us in advance.


...must be booked on your own responsibility. Booking and payment will be on your account!

We have set up an online black board for you. There you can offer overnight accommodation, look for a lift or get together for a small holiday flat. We accept no liability whatsoever!

More information about the black board (only for logged in users):

Please log in to see the full content.

Support in finding accommodation is available here:
Tourist Information
am Rathausplatz
Tel. +49 (0) 761/3881-880


...with daily updated information, programme changes etc. will be published at the beginning of the event.

Your contact

Andrea Pflug  Tel. +49 7720/ 307 – 4363
