The Netzwerk Frauen.Innovation.Technik (Network Women.Innovation.Technology)
The Netzwerk Frauen.Innovation.Technik (Women.Innovation.Technology), in short Netzwerk F.I.T, is a working group that contributes with various measures to increasing the proportion of women in the natural and engineering sciences. It implements the measures on behalf of the Baden-Wurttemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and is financed by this ministry. It is located at Furtwangen University (HFU), Schwenningen Campus, at the Institute for Applied Research (IAF).
Our Mission
We contribute to increasing the proportion of women in natural sciences and engineering through various measures.
- We offer female students of computer science and mechanical / electrical engineering interesting opportunities with our summer school informatica feminale Baden-Wurttemberg and our winter school meccanica feminale.
- By providing information, we promote the careers and studies of women in the STEM sciences as well as the career and study orientation of young women.
Our Contributions
- The web platform we developed
- The events informatica feminale Baden-Wurttemberg and meccanica feminale.
- The travelling Exhibition "Women Inventors" - Patente Frauen.