Portal for Women in Science and Technology
in Baden-Wurttemberg

The Netzwerk Frauen.Innovation.Technik (Network Women.Innovation.Technology)

The Netzwerk Frauen.Innovation.Technik (Women.Innovation.Technology), in short Netzwerk F.I.T, is a working group that contributes with various measures to increasing the proportion of women in the natural and engineering sciences. It implements the measures on behalf of the Baden-Wurttemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and is financed by this ministry. It is located at Furtwangen University (HFU), Schwenningen Campus, at the Institute for Applied Research (IAF).

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Our Mission

We contribute to increasing the proportion of women in natural sciences and engineering through various measures.

  • We offer female students of computer science and mechanical / electrical engineering interesting opportunities with our summer school informatica feminale Baden-Wurttemberg and our winter school meccanica feminale.
  • By providing information, we promote the careers and studies of women in the STEM sciences as well as the career and study orientation of young women.

Our Contributions