Portal für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Technik
in Baden-Württemberg

IF24-H05 Get cupcake: Create your own text adventure in python (engl.) – CANCELED

Text adventures are puzzle games based on interactions between the computer and the player that take place entirely in our terminals.
Although they may seem dated at first, it is still worth it, and fun, to dive deeper into them.
In this course, we will create our own text adventure(s) and use them as a starting point for learning key concepts of Python programming and also some basic version controlling in git and best practices of engineering a software project.

Detailed description of course contents:

* Draft an adventure game on paper: Think about what it should like, what possible interactions with the player are, what the outcame is in any of them, how the programm shall handle them;

Start implementing the game and go over basic python concepts along the way:
* begin simple mit procedural programming and basic concepts such as data and control structures, IO handling, etc.
* move on to functions
* introduce classes and object oriented programming in python

Learn some general tools of contemporary software engineering:
* basic version control with git: create a repository, create branches, commit your code
* best practices of software engineering: how to keep code readable and maintainable; commit often to version control; code reviews

Credit Points:

Requirements: Anyone is welcome, but some fundamental knowledge/experience of programming in general regardless of the programming language shall be there since we won’t be having a very basic introduction about what variables, etc. are. If you had some computer science in school or took an introductory class in programming at uni or online, you should be fine.It would also really help if you’ve used the command line. You need to bring your own laptop.

Lyudmila Vaseva

Lyudmila Vaseva, MSc

Lyudmila Vaseva studied computer science at the FU Berlin. During her studies
she was very interested in the social impact of computer science and the increasing digitalization of everyday life. She enjoys helping people to learn new things and to help themselves.
She currently works as a software developer in the
software collective ctrl.alt.coop e.G., where, in addition to programming, she thinks a lot about effective self-administration in a growing structure.
Profil ansehen

30. Juli 2024 – 1. August 2024
Technische Fakultät – Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Georges-Köhler-Allee 101, Freiburg, 79110

Genaue Kurszeiten

Di 30.07.
10:00 – 11:30 Uhr
14:00 – 15:30 Uhr
16:00 – 17:30 Uhr

Mi 31.07.
8:30 – 10:00 Uhr
10:30 – 12:00 Uhr
14:00 – 15:30 Uhr

Do 01.08.
8:30 – 10:00 Uhr
10:30 – 12:00 Uhr