Portal for Women in Science and Technology
in Baden-Wurttemberg

How STEM projects succeed!

The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and the Ministry of Finance and Economics have jointly published a brochure explaining quality criteria for gender-sensitive STEM projects in career and study orientation. 

Women are still underrepresented in STEM professions, yet Baden-Württemberg in particular relies on the diversity and inventiveness of men and women. For this reason, numerous measures are being carried out to get girls and women interested in dual STEM training or a STEM course of study. However, for these measures to be successful, certain quality criteria must be met.

The new brochure supports those implementing MINT projects in winning more girls and young women for their projects. It shows which quality criteria have a great influence on whether female pupils are interested in and register for a STEM measure and whether the professions presented are perceived as attractive.

Here you can download the brochure as a pdf: How STEM projects succeed!


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Contact us

Sandra Klatt | Andrea Pflug

Scientifica editorial office
Phone +49 (0)7720 – 307 4365 or – 307 4363