Portal for Women in Science and Technology
in Baden-Wurttemberg

The meccanica feminale is a project of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Wurttemberg.

Information for Lecturers

Call 4 Lectures

All information on the Call for Lectures can be found here. Call 4 Lectures for meccanica feminale 2026 starts in spring 2025.

Credit points according to ECTS & grades

You can award credit points (according to ECTS) as a lecturer of a 3 Day course if all the following conditions are met:

  • Sie selbst haben mindestens einen Bachelorabschluss einer Hochschule .
  • Die Teilnehmerin leistet für einen Credit Point einen Arbeitsumfang in Höhe von 30 Einheiten à 45 Minuten. Dazu zählen Kursinhalt, Vor- und Nacharbeit.
    For example: preparation of a presentation for the course or afterwards as an elaboration of a topic of the course or as an exercise task(s).
    With a course duration of 16 units of 45 minutes each, the participant must also complete an additional 14 45-minute sessions.
  • A maximum of 1 ECTS credit point can be awarded for a half-week course. Credit points (ECTS) are awarded in cooperation with the programme committee and Furtwangen University.
  • Lecturers whose half-week course has the character of a lecture can be reimbursed for taking the examination if the participant is a student at Furtwangen University.
  1. You consider the requirements that a participant must fulfill in order to receive a credit point (e.g. successfully completing a homework assignment).
  2. You specify the requirements when submitting your course and whether or not a grade can be awarded for them.
  3. At the beginning of the course, the participant informs you that she would like to earn an ECTS with or without a grade.
  4. The participant provides the service - usually up to 4 weeks after the end of the event.
  5. You inform the F.I.T. network whether the work has been completed and, if so, the grade. And you send the coursework or examination for archiving.
Grading Credit Point

Grading is only possible upon prior request and cannot be demanded retroactively.

1; 1,3very goodan excellent performance
1,7; 2; 2,3gooda performance that is significantly above average
2,7; 3; 3,3satisfactorya performance that meets average requirements
3,7; 4sufficienteine Leistung, die trotz ihrer Mängel noch den Anforderungen genügt
5insufficienteine Leistung, die wegen erheblicher Mängel den Anforderungen nicht mehr genügt
Certificates of attendance

Participants receive a certificate if they have taken part in a half-week course. The certificates are prepared by the F.I.T. network.
Wenn kein Credit Point vergeben wird oder die Leistung bereits vollständig erbracht wurde, kann die Dozentin die Zertifikate am Kursende ausgeben.
Die restlichen Zertifikate werden vom Netzwerk F.I.T versendet. Hierzu muss die Erbringung der Leistung nach sechs Wochen Bearbeitungszeit durch die Dozentin an das Netzwerk F.I.T übermittelt werden.

Lecturer as part of a sponsorship

Please contact the event organisation if you would like to give a lecture/course/workshop on behalf of your company:

Carolin Hilzendegen, project coordination
Phone: +49 7720 / 307-4536

Teaching assignment & travel expenses

The lecturers will be informed as soon as it is clear whether a course will take place, but no later than four weeks before the start of the course. Your work as a private lecturer will be remunerated as part of a teaching assignment which you will receive from Furtwangen University (information sheet on the teaching contract).

If you work as a part-time lecturer for our event, the remuneration is exempt from tax and social security contributions up to €3,000.00 per year within the framework of the lump-sum allowance for training supervisors .

Any travelling and accommodation expenses incurred will be reimbursed in accordance with the Landesreisekostengesetz Baden-Württemberg (LRKG BW). As a rule, taxi fares cannot be reimbursed. A hotel contingent is available for lecturers. You will be informed by e-mail. New: Breakfast will now also be reimbursed! Please submit your hotel bill and the original travel receipts to the F.I.T. network immediately after the end of the event/return with the original travel ticket, but within six months at the latest. In addition to your original receipts, please also submit a copy of all the documents you have submitted; to be on the safe side, please make a copy of your receipts for yourself. The deadline must be adhered to, otherwise the travelling expenses and hotel costs can no longer be reimbursed.


Meccanica feminale 2025 takes place at the University of Stuttgart:

University of Stuttgart – Campus Vaihingen
70569 Stuttgart

The exact facilities will be posted in good time.


A hotel contingent is available for lecturers. You will receive the relevant information from us by email.


On request, we offer free childcare during the event. Please contact us if you are interested.

Any questions? Find

Netzwerk F.I.T
Heidi Schwager, Project coordination

Furtwangen University
Jakob-Kienzle-Str. 17
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen
Phone: 07720 / 307-4365

Contact Persons

Heidi Schwager
Tel. +49 7720 / 307 – 4365
