Agile Requirements Engineering (engl.)
In agile and non-agile projects, requirements serve as the basis for a good result. Therefore, the International Requirements Engineering Board IREB created a framework for agile Requirements Engineering. This course is based on the IREB certificate „RE@Agile Primer“. You learn how to configure the requirements engineering process by combining competently the best from both worlds – classical requirements engineering and agile development. You know the backgrounds, motivation and techniques of agile requirements engineering or can profit from agile practices in non-agile environments. For achieving this, we apply all techniques to an example project.
Requirements: Basic knowledge about software engineering.
Credit points (ECTS): 1, grading possible. (Participation in all 3 days plus completion of an additional task.)

Dr. habil. Andrea Herrmann
Freiberufliche Dozentin, Beraterin und Autorin für Software Engineering mit mehr als 25 Berufsjahren in Lehre, Praxis und Forschung. Mehr als 100 Fachpublikationen, regelmäßige Konferenzvorträge, IT-Sachverständige beim BISG.
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