Portal für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Technik
in Baden-Württemberg

University Assistant Post Doc

University of Vienna

This position will focus on computational modeling of fungal-bacterial interactions and their potential implications for human health — an exciting and emerging area of research.

Your future tasks:

  • Pioneer Research: Develop an independent research profile that complements the group’s activities
  • Collaborate Actively: Participate in collaborative projects with academic and industry partners
  • Secure Funding: Contribute to project proposals and secure third-party funding
  • Publish and Present: Share your research through publications in top-tier journals and presentations at leading conferences
  • Teach and Mentor: Deliver independently teaching activities as per institutional requirements of the collective bargaining agreement and supervise students
  • Drive Quality: Engage in performance evaluation and quality assurance initiatives and take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration

Application deadline: 01/15/2025

#ScientificaBW #Weiterbildung #DoItDigital #WirFuerMINT #Vernetzung #FrauenPower #SoMachtFrauSichSchlau #WomenInTech #learning #WomenLeadership #Gleichstellung #BreakTheBias #WeiblicheTeilhabe #ChangePerspectives

Bewerbungsfrist: 15.01.2025

eingetragen am: 10.01.2025

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